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Seminar: Emission Reduction and Energy Saving in Steelmaking & Fuel Injection Technology of oxygen lances

Boji succeeded in sponsoring in Yangzhou Jiangsu in April, 2010, the seminar on “Emission Reduction and Energy Saving in Steelmaking & Fuel Injection Technology of oxygen lances” by steelmaking society to Chinese Society for Metals (CSM) and cheered to Widespread Echo. Many key figures addressed their speeches on different topics, such as Cai Zhipeng, Analyst from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liu Shaodong, Senior Engineer from MCC Huangtian Engineer Technology Co., Ltd., Li Chengzuo, Senior Engineer from Beijing Shougang Co., Ltd., Chen Deliang, Senior Engineer from Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and etc. All the representatives share their ideas on specific technology and learn from each other.
